Cross to Light

Haiti is a special place and in 2010 a 7.0 magnitude earthquake devastated this country killing over 300,000 people. In 2013, I traveled as a technical consultant and cinematographer with a group of medical professionals from Calvary Chapel Paris, Texas. Our goal was to help establish a medical clinic as a part of the Cross to Light Ministries.

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
Mark 16:15

If you know anything about Pastor Brian McDaniel, who runs The Haiti Bible Training Center, he is 100% on the go and a mighty preacher of the word! Every night we went to bed tired, but ready for more. Pastor Brian asked me to go with him to the Missionary Training Center to take some pictures of the recent progress so they could email out an update. His vehicle of choice, a dirt bike! While I thought this “intimate” journey was only taking us down the street, we continued on to the grocery store, Fan-Fan’s house (our fearless tour guide) and a lovely cruise through downtown Port au Prince. Where else can you have a couple loafs of fresh french bread squished between you and Pastor Brian with your camera bag slung around your back, all while having the exhilarating experiences of near miss collisions with Tap taps (DIY Taxis) and pedestrians?

We did a number of outreaches, medical clinics and helped a lot of people. The first thing that I can vividly remember is an outing when we visited one of the local church plants. Getting to sit with the kids and hearing a truly desperate people worship with all that they have, is really convicting and makes you understand just how truly blessed we are back in the states.
Worship songs being sung in Haitian Creole and French.

God isn’t looking for people of great faith, but for individuals ready to follow Him.
Hudson Taylor


The other experience I can still picture like it was yesterday is the day we visited the orphanage. There were a number of kids running, playing and super excited to see us. I remember one young boy in particular who stuck to my side. Ray and I became buddies, even if it was only for a couple of hours.

There are so many life-changing memories that came from this trip. To witness firsthand the tangible difference Pastor Brian and Cross to Light ministries is making is truly inspiring.
They continue to teach and send out these young Haitian men to bring the word of God to a desperate nation.

Whether you would like to help cover this work in prayer, go on a mission trip, teach the students for a week, support financially or volunteer in some other effort, there is a multitude of ways to be a part of what the Lord is doing.

Please check out their website @







Short Film
